Monday 11 April 2016

New language! Hungarian

New language! Hungarian

Since today you can choose the Hungarian language on our platform. :)

Happy crowdfunding !

New language! Turkish

New language! Turkish

Since today you can choose the Turkish language on our platform. :)

Happy crowdfunding !

Thursday 7 April 2016

New language! Portuguese

New language! Portuguese

Since today you can choose the Portuguese language on our platform. :)

Happy crowdfunding !

Sunday 7 February 2016

News of the Belgian authorities.

Hello all.

This week we received news of the Belgian FSMA.
It states that CFI is outside the scope of the financial regulations and therefore not covered under the supervision of the FSMA.
This is the confirmation we expected.
Please see the mail below.

Van: Bayi, Francois
Verzonden: donderdag 4 februari 2016 15:58
Aan: R.H.J.M. Silvertand - Silver|Advocaten
S.C. Kock - van de Sanden - Silver|Advocaten

Geachte heer Silvertand,

Ik verwijs naar uw brief dd. 27 januari jl. en naar ons telefoongesprek van zonet.

Zoals meegedeeld kan ik u bevestigen dat de activiteit van uw cliënte buiten het toepassingsgebied valt van de financiële regelgevingen die onder het toezicht staan van de FSMA. Het gaat immers om donaties zonder tegenprestaties en er is bijgevolg geen sprake van aanbiedingen van beleggingsinstrumenten of van het verschaffen van beleggingsdiensten. Uw cliënte is dan ook niet verplicht om een vergunning bij de FSMA aan te vragen om haar activiteit in België uit te oefenen.

Wat de betalingsdiensten betreft, is deze materie een bevoegdheid van de Nationale Bank van België.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

François Bayi
Controle des operateurs de marche
Toezicht op de marktoperatoren.
Rue du Congres 12-14
1000 Bruxelles

Dear Sir Silvertand,

I refer to your letter, January 27th, and from our telephone conversation we had.
As indicated , I confirm that the activity of your client beyond the scope of the financial regulations and therefore not covered under the supervision of the FSMA . It is all about donations without a quid pro quo and offers no investment instruments or the provision of investment services. Your client is not required to apply for a permit from the FSMA to carry on its business in Belgium .

Regarding the payment, this matter is within the competence of the National Bank of Belgium .


François Bayi
Controle des operateurs de marche
Toezicht op de marktoperatoren.
Rue du Congres 12-14
1000 Bruxelles


Wednesday 20 January 2016

Who is the team behind CFI?

Hello everyone!

We got a lot of questions about who we are :)

To solve the questions.. We made a page in our website called: 'Team CFI'.

You can visit it through this link:

Tuesday 19 January 2016

New functionality: when you have reached step 7.3, it's possible to register a new user with money from your wallet.

You need a minimum of €215 to be able to do a registration.
This will be subtracted from the Current balance, you do not have to wait until the money is in Withdrawable.

If you are logged in and these two conditions are met, you can do a normal registration, filling in all the data.
When the data is validated and you are ready to choose the payment method, you choose: Pay from your own e-wallet.

The money is subtracted, you also see this transaction in the transaction list.
The new user will get an activation e-mail like he normally also would, on the given mail address.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Ticket support system

Good day everyone!

We have updated a new feature: TICKET SUPPORT.

Before we handled all the cases by email with sometimes resulting in multiple answers to the same questions.

To make sure everyone get's the best support we implemented a Ticket System.

When you now visit our CONTACT page, you can automatically create a ticket and you will be answered within one business day.