Wednesday 20 January 2016

Who is the team behind CFI?

Hello everyone!

We got a lot of questions about who we are :)

To solve the questions.. We made a page in our website called: 'Team CFI'.

You can visit it through this link:

Tuesday 19 January 2016

New functionality: when you have reached step 7.3, it's possible to register a new user with money from your wallet.

You need a minimum of €215 to be able to do a registration.
This will be subtracted from the Current balance, you do not have to wait until the money is in Withdrawable.

If you are logged in and these two conditions are met, you can do a normal registration, filling in all the data.
When the data is validated and you are ready to choose the payment method, you choose: Pay from your own e-wallet.

The money is subtracted, you also see this transaction in the transaction list.
The new user will get an activation e-mail like he normally also would, on the given mail address.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Ticket support system

Good day everyone!

We have updated a new feature: TICKET SUPPORT.

Before we handled all the cases by email with sometimes resulting in multiple answers to the same questions.

To make sure everyone get's the best support we implemented a Ticket System.

When you now visit our CONTACT page, you can automatically create a ticket and you will be answered within one business day.

Friday 8 January 2016

New updates!

Hello everyone!

A new update from the CFI team..

Starting today we have activated our FREE PROJECTS function!

And.. we now accept WORLDWIDE bankwire payments !

Happy crowdfunding! :)

Saturday 2 January 2016

Our new charity: NOWI GELISSEN - NOTUBE

Nowi is  9 maanden oud op dit moment en volledig afhankelijk van sonde-voeding.
Het zelfstandig eten lukt niet.
Nowi heeft intensieve begeleiding nodig om dit voor haar mogelijk te maken. De therapie heet ‘Notube’ - therapy en wordt aangeboden in Zwitserland.
Gek genoeg wordt deze therapie niet vergoed door de Nederlandse zorgverzekeringen.
Er worden ontzettend goede resultaten geboekt met deze therapie. Zie hiervoor ook:
De totale kosten van de therapie zijn ca. € 10.000,-
Vanwege de continue 24/7 zorg zijn beide ouders in 9 maanden tijd slechts een paar keer in de gelegenheid geweest om samen (kort) iets te ondernemen.
Daarnaast zijn beide ouders door deze omstandigheid minder moeten gaan werken om de noodzakelijke zorg te kunnen realiseren met de nodige financiƫle consequenties van dien.

Nowi is 9 months old at this time, and depends entirely on a tube feeding.
Eating independently fails.
Nowi need intensive support to make this possible for her. The therapy is called 'Notube' - therapy and is offered in Switzerland.
Funnily enough, this therapy is not reimbursed by the Dutch health insurance.
Are very good results were achieved with this therapy. See also:
The total cost of the therapy are approximately € 10 000, -
Because of the continuous 24/7 care, both parents in nine months, have only been a few times in the opportunity to work (briefly) something to undertake.
In addition, both parents by this circumstance must work less to achieve the necessary care with the necessary financial consequences.

Please click here to donate!